Quality & Process

Quality & Process


Next trainings

  • 24 October 2024
  • 18 March 2025
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Il corso di formazione avanzato si concentra sul cambiamento dei requisiti regolatori per l’industria Farmaceutica originato dalla recente revisione della [...]
Quality & Process
  • NEW
  • 11 November 2024
  • 26 May 2025
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La convalida dei metodi analitici è applicata nel settore farmaceutico da molti anni ma non sempre è chiaro come verificare [...]
Quality & Process
  • 12-13 November 2024
  • 7 e 8 April 2025
  • Online
The training course "Statistical tools for pharmaceutical quality control" wish to provide useful tools for understanding and making the best [...]
Quality & Process
  • 13-14 November 2024
  • 12-13 March 2025
  • Online
The figure of the Qualified Person in API and Finished Product Pharmaceutical companies has assumed an increasingly central role over [...]
Quality & Process
  • 15 November 2024
  • 6 May 2025
  • Online
Starting from the presentation of the most significant failures in the data integrity area, it will be shown the expectations [...]
Pharma Engineering & Validation
  • NEW
  • 20 November 2024
  • 14 May 2025
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The training course "APR, PQR and CAPA System" is structured in two parts: the first will explain the current regulatory [...]
Quality & Process
  • 25 November 2024
  • 4 June 2025
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Since October 2015, Annex 15 of the European GMP has been in effect. With this revision, modern process aspects are [...]

Quality & Process
  • 25 November and 2 December 2024
  • 4 April 2025
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Il corso si propone di illustrare i criteri generali del campionamento in ambito GMP, che devono essere applicati per la [...]

Quality & Process
  • NEW
  • 26 Novembre 2024
  • 7 Maggio 2025
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Trasferire con successo prodotti e processi in ambito farmaceutico, sia dalla fase di sviluppo a quella industriale che all’interno o [...]
Quality & Process
  • NEW
  • 28 November2024
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Il monitoraggio ambientale rappresenta una delle voci più impegnative per i Laboratori di QC microbiologico farmaceutico e sicuramente i risultati [...]
Quality & Process
  • NEW
  • 29 November 2024
  • 9 June 2025
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Observations by inspectors regarding documentation non-compliances are among the most frequent. The "Documentation Inspection Readiness" training course aims to illustrate, [...]
Quality & Process
  • 2 and 4 December 2024
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The training course “Audit and Inspection in the pharmaceutical” aims to provide participants with useful tools to manage the entire [...]
Quality & Process