Quality & Process

Quality & Process


Next trainings

  • 18 September 2024
  • 27 March 2025
  • Online
Conducting clinical trials is a complex activity that involves knowledge of specific standardized documentation and involves multiple stakeholders and different [...]
Clinical Research
  • September 25th 2024
  • Online
Sterility testing is a critical quality control (QC) step for final release of product. The Growth Direct® System overcomes QC [...]
Road to Pharma Microbiology Congress
  • NEW
  • 27 September & October 4 2024
  • 21 e 28 February 2025
  • Online
Il corso di formazione “Studi di Stabilità nello Sviluppo Farmaceutico e nella Produzione” si propone di illustrare i criteri secondo [...]
Quality & Process
  • 27 September 2024
  • 21 February 2025
  • Online
Investigational Medicinal Products, or IMPs, are defined as "a pharmaceutical form of an active ingredient or placebo that is tested [...]
Quality & Process
  • October 1st 2024
  • Online

The Road to Pharma Microbiology Congress 2024 presents:

Automation VS. Manual Method in Environmental Monitoring - Integration Opportunities

Sponsored by [...]

Road to Pharma Microbiology Congress
  • NEW
  • 2-3 October 2024
  • Online
Il Test delle Endotossine Batteriche (BET) è un test basilare in microbiologia farmaceutica per verificare e valutare la qualità dei [...]
Quality & Process
  • NEW
  • 8 October 2024
  • 4 March 2025
  • Online
Smoke studies are critically important tests that visualize air flows within contamination-controlled environments. Airflows can be vehicles of contamination and [...]
Pharma Engineering & Validation
  • 10 October 2024
  • 17 April 2025
  • Online
The course "Inspections and Audits at the Microbiology QC Laboratory" will examine the most relevant aspects and activities of microbiology [...]
Quality & Process
  • NEW
  • 14 October 2024
  • 19 March 2025
  • Online
Production sites and processes are changing rapidly to adapt to the increasingly stringent requests of regulatory bodies which push towards [...]
Quality & Process
  • 17 October 2024
  • 11 March 2025
  • Online
Durante il corso Quality Risk Management - Base, verrà valutato il cambiamento dei requisiti regolatori per l’industria Farmaceutica, originato dall’applicazione [...]
Quality & Process
  • NEW
  • 18-25 October 2024
  • 7-14 March 2025
  • Online
The training course "The Investigation of Out-of-Specification (OOS) and Out of Trend (OOE/OOT) Analytical Results" aims to provide the tools [...]
Quality & Process
  • 21 October 2024
  • 2 April 2025
  • Online
This training course on Good Distribution Practice (GDP) will explain you the European and local regulatory environment for the distribution [...]
Quality & Process