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  • 24 September 2024
  • 6 March 2025
  • Online
Effective management of pharmacovigilance aspects in commercial agreements is essential for all parties involved and ensures compliance with drug regulatory [...]
  • September 30th 2024
  • March 3rd 2025
  • Online
What is a Pharmacovigilance Quality System and why is it important? According to current regulations, it is the responsibility of [...]
  • 8 and 9 October 2024
  • 18 and 19 March 2025
  • Online
The training course “Audit and Inspection in Pharmacovigilance” will help the participant understand how well-designed and well-conducted pharmacovigilance audits allow [...]
  • 9 October 2024
  • 5 March 2025
  • Online
Medical and scientific literature is a valuable source of information on medicinal products. Marketing authorization holders (MAHs) are required to [...]
  • 17-18 October2024
  • 27-28 March 2025
  • Online
Il mondo digitale ha subito negli ultimi anni una importante metamorfosi, permettendo di condividere facilmente informazioni, incluse quelle relative alla [...]
  • 22 Octobre 2024
  • 26 March 2025
  • Online
Periodic Safety Update Reports, also called PSURs, are pharmacovigilance documents aimed at providing an assessment of the risk-benefit balance of [...]
  • 6 December 2023
  • 24 May 2024
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The Pharmacovigilance System Master File (PSMF) is the key tool for managing the corporate pharmacovigilance system and supporting oversight by [...]
  • 6 November 2024
  • 14 April 2025
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In accordance with current regulations, it is the responsibility of Marketing Authorization Holders and Competent Authorities to continuously monitor risks [...]
  • November 13th 2024
  • May 19th 2025
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The pharmacovigilance system has evolved over time, starting from the benefit/risk assessment of a drug performed on the analysis of [...]
  • 20 November 2024
  • 15 May 2025
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One of the main priorities of a clinical trial is the safety of the subjects enrolled in it. For this [...]
Clinical Research
  • 10 December 2024
  • 5 June 2025
  • Online
Il corso ha lo scopo di fornire indicazioni pratiche ai Responsabili locali di Farmacovigilanza delle Aziende Farmaceutiche per l’espletamento delle [...]
  • NEW
  • 26-27 May 2025
  • Online
Recently, some of the most common critical findings in regulatory pharmacovigilance inspections are being given for signal detection and management, [...]