


Next trainings

  • 27 November 2024
  • Online
For manufacturers looking to expand their market reach, China is an attractive destination thanks to its large and rapidly growing [...]
Regulatory Affairs
  • 13 May 2024
  • 21 Maggio 2024
  • Online
Il gioco è una cosa seria, anzi SERISSIMA! Sei pront* a immergerti nell'affascinante mondo dell'apprendimento degli adulti? Ti sveleremo i [...]
Soft Skills
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  • 28 November2024
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Il monitoraggio ambientale rappresenta una delle voci più impegnative per i Laboratori di QC microbiologico farmaceutico e sicuramente i risultati [...]
Quality & Process
  • NEW
  • 29 November 2024
  • 9 June 2025
  • Online
Observations by inspectors regarding documentation non-compliances are among the most frequent. The "Documentation Inspection Readiness" training course aims to illustrate, [...]
Quality & Process
  • 2 December 2024
  • 5 June 2025
  • Online
Pharma Education Center organizes the training course “Common Technical Document (CTD) module 3: focus on the most critical aspects” a [...]
Regulatory Affairs
  • 2 and 4 December 2024
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The training course “Audit and Inspection in the pharmaceutical” aims to provide participants with useful tools to manage the entire [...]
Quality & Process
  • 22-23 Novembre 2023
  • 1-2 July 2024
  • Online
La leadership può essere sviluppata attraverso la capacità di gestire il proprio bagaglio emozionale. Per un leader diventa essenziale trasformare [...]
Soft Skills
  • 3-4 December 2024
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The introduction in recent years of the concept of Quality Risk Management inside GMP guidelines has caused a change in [...]
Quality & Process
  • NEW
  • December 4th 2024
  • June 4th 2025
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European legislation places increasing emphasis on the responsibilities of the Marketing Authorization Holder (MAH) in ensuring compliance with the standards [...]
Regulatory Affairs
  • 5 December 2024
  • 9 May 2025
  • Online
ISO 13485:2016 specifies requirements for a Quality Management System that can be used by an organization in the design, development, [...]
Medical Device
  • 10 December 2024
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Le Good Clinical Practice, GCP (ICH E6) rappresentano lo standard internazionale di etica e di qualità scientifica per progettare, condurre, [...]
Clinical Research
  • NEW
  • 10 December 2024
  • 5 June 2025
  • Online
Il corso ha lo scopo di fornire indicazioni pratiche ai Responsabili locali di Farmacovigilanza delle Aziende Farmaceutiche per l’espletamento delle [...]
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