Advertising medical devices and dietary supplements

  • 1° EDITION: 22 November 2023
  • 2° EDITION: 22 May 2024
  • Online
  • Italian

Training overview

The training course ” Advertising medical device and food supplements” aims to provide a general framework on the advertising of two important product categories in the health sector: medical devices and dietary supplements. These two categories of products, although different by definition and regulated by different specific rules, are united by their relevance to health and their being related to medicinal products. This aspect can lead to controversial situations regarding the content of the promotional message and its possible deceptiveness. In this training course, the applicable regulations will be illustrated, and the content of the advertising message will be discussed in relation to the applicable regulatory and normative indications.

Would you like to participate, but you’re not available on this date?
The course will be provided again:

  • September 26th 2024
  • February 22nd 2025

(*) Contact us via email or phone to enroll.

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(*) discounts apply to the full prices of the courses and cannot be combined with other promotions. The promotion is limited to enrolling the same person in 3 courses selected from those offered.

Key points of the training

  • Learn the general regulatory framework
  • Frame the different product categories
  • Delve into some specific regulatory and normative aspects
  • Approach the advertising medium by reasoning from the applicable regulations
  • Examine examples of rulings of the AGCM


14:00 – 17:00 COURSE SESSION

  • Medical device advertising: regulatory framework
  • The content of the advertising message
  • Ministerial guidelines on new media
  • Advertising of dietary supplements: regulatory framework
  • The “claim” regulation
  • Examples of AGCM rulings

Personnel involved in the fields of Regulatory Affairs, Quality Assurance, management personnel, medical-marketing, scientific information, research and development managers, production managers, process managers, complaint management and corrective and preventive action managers/coordinators, supervisory managers, marketing/sales managers.

The course will be carried out through live lectures. Practical examples will be showcased, providing delegates with real life examples to be applied in their daily job life.

For online trainings the access link will be sent 2-3 days before the start of the training.

5% discount for registrations within 1 month before the start of the training, 10% discount for registrations within 2 months before the start of the training. VAT not included. Please inquire for discounts for multiple registrations. Discounts are not cumulative.

Cancellation terms

In order to cancel enrolment to an event, please email within 2 weeks before the starting date of the event. Once this term will be expired, the entire fee will be charged.

Participant replacement

It is possible to replace a participant attendance without additional cost, simply by contacting It is asked to notify the participant replacement request within 5 days before the starting date of the course/event, specifying the full name and surname of the enrolled participant as well as the full name and surname of the substitute.

Training cancellation

If the minimum number of participants is not reached, Pharma Education Center reserves the right to cancel or schedule the event for another date. Formal communication will be given within 5 days before the event date. In this case Pharma Education Center will refund the registration fee in full and without additional charges. Alternatively, the participant can request a spendable coupon for participating in another PEC event scheduled in the current year.


Lorenzo Zanoni

Lorenzo Zanoni

Senior Medical Advisor: Scientific Service

He graduated in Medicine and Surgery in 1988 at the University of Pavia; he obtained the PhD in Microbiology in 1992 at the University of Brescia and the specialization in Clinical Biochemistry in 1998 at the University of Siena. For several years he worked in basic research, in the oncology sector, in Italy and abroad. He began to deal with “pharmaceutical medicine” in 1998, first as an employee of pharmaceutical companies and, since 2002, as a Medical Affairs advisor as a freelancer at CROs and pharmaceutical companies. He has participated as a speaker in numerous scientific seminars; since 2010 he has been collaborating with Pharma D&S.

Register now

Early Bird 10%
Within 2 months before the start of the training
Early Bird 5%
Within 1 month before the start of the training
Full price


Training materials available for attendees

Certificate of attendance

Senior trainers with hands-on experience

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