Signal Detection

  • 26-27 Maggio 2025
  • Online
  • Inglese

Contenuto del corso

Recently, some of the most common critical findings in regulatory pharmacovigilance inspections are being given for signal detection and management, so the need to identify potential signals and risks in patients has increasing importance. The protection of patients through robust and clear methodologies for signal detection amidst the ever-increasing regulations requires companies to have trained and competent staff to perform such activities. This course will provide a detailed overview of all aspects of safety reviews and signal detection within a company and will cover signal evaluation for both innovator and generic products as required by regulations.

Sei interessato ai corsi sulla Farmacovigilanza?

Cosa saprai fare dopo il corso?

  • Apply the concepts and principles of signal management in PV and implement or improve this process in their own organisation
  • Understand different approaches to signal management that are followed by various organisations
  • Understand different approaches to signal detection for different medicines
  • Understand the concept of signal detection algorithm (SDA), signal of disproportionate reporting (SDR) and its use in EVDAS
  • Learn how to use and implement EVDAS into signal management process
  • Understand the role of signal detection in the assessment of emerging safety profiles of medicine
  • Understand the regulatory expectations in different geographic regions
Struttura del corso

09:00 – 16:30 COURSE SESSION DAY 1
09:00 – 12:30 COURSE SESSION DAY 2


Day 1

9.00 What is signal detection and what are the regulatory requirements for signal detection?
The nature of signal detection and the various regulatory requirements will be presented.
– What organisation in a marketing authorisation holder should perform signal detection and how should they be staffed
• Central safety organisation
• Affiliates
• Qualified signal detection staff
Q&A time

9.30 Sources of signals
Different sources of signals will be discussed
• Post-marketing safety databases
• Epidemiology studies
• Clinical trials
• Toxicology and pharmacology
• Literature
• Others
Q&A time

10.00 How do regulators themselves perform signal detection
The approach to signalling by different regulators will be discussed
• Local EU regulators
• Others
Q&A time

10:20 BREAK

10:40 Use of safety databases for signal detection
The theoretical basis of signal detection from post-marketing safety databases and their appropriate use will be discussed
• Qualitative signal detection
• Quantitative signal detection
– Disproportionality analyses
• Longitudinal analyses
Q&A time

11:10 End of morning session

14:30 Start of afternoon session

14:35 Using Eudravigilance and EVDAS for signal detection
The use of Eudravigilance and EVDAS. practical aspects of use of Eudravigilance and EVDAS will be presented

16:15 Q&A time

16:30 Closure of day one


Day 2

9.00 Assessment of signals by marketing authorisation holders
How signals assessed will be discussed
• Validating a signal
• Prioritization of a signal
• Investigation of a signal
• Closing a signal
Q&A time

09.40 Link between signal detection and the PSUR and risk management plan
The important links between signal detection, PSURs, drug label and risk management plan will be reviewed

10:00 Audit and inspection of signal detection activities
Appropriate approaches to ensure quality of signal detection activities will be presented
• Quality system for signal detection
– Key Performance Indicators
• What to audit
• Pharmacovigilance inspectors assessment of signal detection
Q&A time

10.25 BREAK

10.45 Exercise
Delegates will be provided with data concerning signal activities to discuss together to determine the appropriate signal status that the data supports. This will be followed by discussion of the conclusions proposed.

11:45 Signal detection during clinical development of new chemical entity
What role does formal signal detection have during the clinical development of a medicine and how best to document this will be discussed
Q&A time

12.00 What makes a good signal detection system
A summary of considerations to ensure signal detection to the appropriate standards can be achieved.

12:20 Final questions session

12:30 Closure of the course

For professionals working in the following areas:
• Pharmacovigilance
• Drug Safety and Risk Management
• Signal Management and Safety Science
• Pharmacoepidemiology
• Quality and Compliance

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Calin A. Lungu

Calin A. Lungu

MD, BCPM, Eudravigilance and XEVMPD Trainer – EMA, CEO – DDCS

Dr. Calin Lungu is a physician with a notable experience in PV and quality assurance . He is a very esteemed, well-known trainer for EudraVigilance, XEVMPD and EVDAS having teached for European National Competent Authorities and the European Medicines Agency. Dr. Lungu is the CEO of Drug Development Consulting Services.

Iscriviti al corso

Early Bird 10%
Valido fino a 2 mesi dal corso
Early Bird 5%
Valido fino a 1 mese dal corso
Full price


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Rilascio attestato di partecipazione a fine corso

Massima qualità per contenuti e docenti selezionati

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